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Evaluation Materials
Parenting for Eating and Activity Scale (PEAS):
The Parenting for Eating and Activity Scale (PEAS) was developed as part of a childhood obesity prevention and control study funded by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to Dr. John Elder. Development of the scale is described in the Larios paper and assessment of sensitivity to intervention effects is described in the Ayala and Crespo papers. We welcome its use in your research. Please let us know if you decide to use it, if you need it available in other languages (we are aware of at least 3 other translations) and if you need any assistance when analyzing your data.
Larios, S.E., Ayala, G.X., Arredondo, E.M., Baquero, B., & Elder, J.P. (2009). Development and validation of a scale to measure Latino parenting strategies related to children’s obesigenic behaviors: The Parenting strategies for Eating and Activity Scale (PEAS).Appetite, 52(1), 166-72.
Ayala, G.X., Elder, J.P., Campbell, N.R., Arredondo, E., Baquero, B., Crespo, N., & Slymen, D.J. (2010). Longitudinal intervention effects on parenting of the Aventuras para Niños study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38(2), 154-62.
Crespo, N., Elder, J.P., Ayala, G.X., Slymen, D.J., Campbell, N.R., Sallis, J.F., McKenzie, T.L., Baquero, B., & Arredondo, E.M. (2012). Results of a multi-level intervention to prevent and control childhood obesity among Latino children: The Aventuras para Niños study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 43(1), 84-100.
Soto, S.C., Arredondo, E.M., Horton, L.A., Ayala, G.X. (2016). Validation of the modified Parenting Strategies for Eating and Physical Activity Scale-Diet (PEAS-Diet) in Latino children. Appetite, 98(2016) 55-62.
Child Modified PEAS Versions
Child Version (English)
Child Version (Spanish)
Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ)
The Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ) was adapted as part of a clinic-based obesity prevention and control randomized controlled trial funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH/NIDDK). A shortened 14-item version of the original CEBQ by Wardle and colleagues (2001) was adapted to assess obesogenic eating behaviors of English- and Spanish-speaking Latino children. Click to Download (PDF Version)
Behar, A.I., Crespo, N., Garcia, M.L., Ayala, G.X., Campbell, N., Shadron, L.M., Elder, J.P. (2017). Validation of a Shortened Version of the Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire and Associations with BMI in a Clinical Sample of Latino Children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2017 Oct 12