Project Motivate Me


 Logo for Project Motivate Me

Principal Investigator(s):

Tracy L. Finlayson, PhD, SDSU Professor of Public Health

Co-PI: Scott Kelley, PhD, SDSU Professor of Biology

Project Funding Period: 07/01/2020 – 12/31/2022

Project Funding Source: SDSU CHHS Jumpstart! pilot grant

Project Motivate Me will develop and test a brief motivational interviewing (MI) intervention for improving oral hygiene among 14-19 year old Latino adolescents. Motivational interviewing intervention material will first be developed and pre-tested with adolescents (N=10). We will then conduct a randomized controlled trial with adolescents (N = 30-50). The intervention will involve three half-hour skill building MI sessions and address: bacteria and the dental caries process, proper oral hygiene technique, and nutrition. A trained health educator will engage adolescents remotely, one-on-one about these topics using MI principles. Our primary outcomes include biological, clinical, and behavioral measures. Outcomes will be assessed at baseline (T1), and at one-month, after the three MI sessions (T2). The primary aim of the trial is to assess the efficacy of a motivational interviewing intervention program versus usual oral health care for Latino adolescents. We will also collect process feedback from intervention participants.

Partner: Vista Community Clinic –

Are you or your teen interested in participating?
Check out our info sheets and video overview to learn more about the study!

Flyer (English-pdf)

Flyer (Spanish-pdf)

Parent Information Sheet (English-pdf)

Parent Information Sheet (Spanish-pdf)

Video (English)

Acrobat slides (Spanish)

Contact us:

(619) 348-5152