Patricia Gonzalez, PhD, Core Investigator

PatriciaGonzalez_CoreInvestigPatricia Gonzalez is a Research Associate at IBACH and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Public Health at San Diego State University. Dr. Gonzalez received her PhD in Social Psychology with a Health emphasis from Colorado State University. She collaborates with Drs. Linda Gallo and Gregory Talavera on studies examining cardiovascular disease risk disparities among disadvantaged populations, including Latinos and low socioeconomic status individuals. More recently, through an NHLBI Diversity Supplement, Dr. Gonzalez is examining the psychometric properties of selected cognitive-emotional and cultural measures used in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL). Her research interests include projects examining the role of health behaviors and socio-cultural factors in chronic diseases such as CVD and related health disparities.





Current Research Project(s)
Social-Cultural Factors and Cardiometabolic Risk in Mexican-American Women (Nuestra Salud II)

Curriculum Vitae
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