- Principal Investigator(s): Gregory A. Talavera, MD, MPH and Sheila Castañeda, PhD
- Project Funding Period: 07/01/2013-06/30/2014
- Project Funding Source: National Institutes of Health
iDASH: Partnership for Epidemiological Research in Hispanic/Latinos is a Hispanic Community Health Study (HCHS) / Study of Latinos (SOL) ancillary study. The purpose of this HCHS/SOL ancillary study is to better understand the beliefs and understandings related to genetic research among participants. The iDASH ancillary study will recruit participants in the Hispanic Community Health Study (HCHS) / Study of Latinos (SOL) through the San Diego Field Center.
University of California, San Diego (collaborators)
Contact Information
Rebeca Espinoza, MA, MPH
Project Manager
T: (619) 662-4100 ext. 4046
E: reespinoza@mail.sdsu.edu