- Principal Investigator(s): Guadalupe X. Ayala, PhD, MPH
- Project Funding Period: 09/30/2011 – 09/29/2015
- Project Funding Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
San Diego State University, in partnership with Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc. and the Imperial County Public Health Department, are conducting a childhood obesity prevention and control study called Our Choice/Nuestra Opción. This is a $6.1 million study funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2011-2015. Imperial County, along with counties in Texas and Massachusetts, were selected nationally for this study. Imperial County has one of the highest rates of obesity in the state of California. Our Choice designed and is implementing and evaluating a multi-sector, multi-level approach to prevent and control childhood obesity in Imperial County.
This demonstration study is using evidence-based strategies to modify fruit and vegetable consumption, water consumption, physical activity, and sleep in five sectors: families, a federally qualified health center, childcare centers, elementary schools, and the community, specifically restaurants and community recreation areas. A 2×2 factorial study design will allow us to examine whether a combined health care (family and clinic) and a public health approach (childcare, schools, and community) is more effective at preventing and controlling childhood obesity compared with a health care only intervention, a public health only intervention, versus a control condition. Recruitment of 1,200 children between the ages of 2 and 11 years old and their families will allow us to examine impact on BMI z-score and fruit and vegetable consumption, drinking water, physical activity, and sleep over an 18 month period. Additional process and impact evaluation activities will examine changes to policies, systems, and environments in all sectors. A result of this study will be a summary report to Congress providing recommendations on strategies to prevent and control childhood obesity.
San Diego State University
Clínicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc.
Imperial County Public Health Department
Imperial County Childhood Obesity Prevention Alliance (COPA)
Brawley Elementary School District
El Centro Elementary School District
City of El Centro Parks and Recreation
City of Brawley Parks and Recreation
Campesinos Unidos, Inc. Head Start
Special Supplement Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program
Imperial County Office of Education
Imperial Valley Boys and Girls Club
Riverside County Office of Education
Imperial Valley Food Bank
Project Web Address
www.ourchoiceic.org l www.nuestraopcion.org
Contact Information
(English): Jamie Moody
Project Manager
T: (619) 594-0588
E: jmoody@mail.sdsu.edu
(Spanish): Griselda Cervantes
Program Evaluation Specialist
T: (619) 594-0647
E: gcervantes@mail.sdsu.edu
In addition to IBACH administrative offices, we have offices located at:
1601 W. Main St., El Centro, CA 92243, 760-482-5415
619 Heber Ave., Calexico, CA 92231