Dr. Oren focuses on community-engaged approaches to addressing population health disparities, with a focus on respiratory outcomes. He enjoys working on multidisciplinary, collaborative projects that are innovative and emphasize new tools and technologies. Methodologically, the focus is on the intersection between sociobehavioral, environmental and spatial epidemiologic methods, and their application to both health difference and disparities. Topical areas of focus include asthma, tuberculosis, COPD, smoking, and the intersection between infections and cancers and current projects include a pilot trial evaluating the use of texting for latent tuberculosis medication adherence, examination of stressors among adolescents with asthma, and respiratory health on the US-Mexico border. Dr. Oren has worked in numerous local, national and international settings. As a public health scientist, Dr. Oren believes that it is critical to further innovation in healthcare delivery through the implementation of evidence-based practices.
Email: eoren@sdsu.edu
Curriculum Vitae
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